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Welcome. This is my First Blog Post

Welcome to my blog. This is my first post. I’ll be using this blog as a stage to discuss interests and passions about music and related arts and sciences. These include:

Music and the Brain – just what is going on in your head when you create, perform and listen to music? I’m learning a few things and they’re very intriguing.

Music as a Healing Art –  few dispute that music is healing emotionally and mentally. But what about “physically”? My recently launched business, Under the Piano, actually requires that clients lie underneath my grand piano. Then, as the client lies under the piano, I improvise music for 40 minutes. The client is enveloped by the vibrations of the piano and can physically feel the music with his or her body. This provides a deeply relaxing experience which is physical, mental and emotional. That’s why I call it a Sound Spa for Body, Mind & Soul.

Music Collaborations with other Arts & Sciences – In September 2008, I was invited to perform music at Anna Talbot’s art show opening. An unplanned opportunity occurred later in the evening. I simply looked at a selected painting and then used it as a catalyst for an improvisation. I did this with a few paintings and fortunately, I recorded the improvisations. An album called “Let It Down” is in the works. Anna and I created a slideshow giving an up close look at one of her paintings set to the improvisation I created during the show. You can see it on YouTube. View the “Let It Down” collaborative video now.

Music and the Environment – What happens to the music listener’s experience of the music they are listening to when the environment in which it is performed is transformed. When the environment is something other than the formality of a concert hall or church, the listener’s experience of the music changes. The Amicus Music Duo, which features myself on the piano and Howard Meadows on the clarinet, is exploring that question with the creation of our “In Your Living Room” musical occasions. I’ll be sharing about those performances – the content, the format, the environment, and how we interact with the audience.

Pick of the Week/Month – occasionally during my meanderings through YouTube, other Blogs, or TED.com I’ll discover an absolute musical gem. I’ll be sharing those here.
Let’s start now with my, so far, all time favourite TED.com video. It features the inspiring, humourous and passionate orchestral conductor Benjamin Zander. I often watch this prior to performing. Watch Benjamin Zander’s presentation.

Craig Addy

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Rachel August 4, 2009, 6:06 pm

    I am proud to be the first comment to post on your first blog!

    Craig, you continue to inspire me with looking at all the ways you can create and share your creations, making a difference in people’s experience of the world and spreading joy and well-being and so much more.

    xo, R.

  • Janet Leduc August 5, 2009, 5:55 pm

    Congratulations Craig; Greetings from Montreal. Blog looks fabulous and I was able to watch rising on my new mac-book. I certainly will be able to say I knew him just before he took the musical world by storm and emerged on the international scene. What a joy it is to be your buddy and share all of this with you.

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