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Baby Nate Loved Being Under the Piano too

Back in February, just as I was starting the business of Under the Piano, I commandeered help to move my grand piano to a new location in my living room. Rajan, Sarah, and Eric arrived to save the day. Accompanying Sarah and Eric was a recent addition to their family – their 2 month old son Nate. When we were done, someone had the brilliant idea to see how babies might respond to being showered by the vibrations of the piano. So under went Nate and I created this gentle little piano improvisation for him. Luckily Eric had the foresight to capture the experience on video and he kindly offered to let me use the video on my website and blog. Clearly Nate loved this. As of today the official age range for Under the Piano clients is now 2 months to 83 years.

Piano Improvisation by Craig Addy
Video by Eric – Nate’s Dad

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Vicki November 15, 2009, 11:20 am

    Craig this was delightful in every way 🙂

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