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Amicus Sampler

In Your Living Room - photo by Rachel Lando

Amicus Sampler
A Classical Jukebox

Did you know live music can provide connection, excitement and community for the people that matter to you? Did you know you can provide that right in your own living room? Howard and I are committed to providing that opportunity and this is an invitation for you to grab that opportunity.
The Amicus Music Duo has a passion for the beauty in music and we love playing. We also love to share music with others. After all, what does poetry mean if it is not read? What does a painting provide if it is not seen? You could consider that music makes a difference only when it is heard and that it makes an even bigger difference when it is heard in community. Craig and Howard care about that more than anything. With whom would like to share this opportunity?

What is an Amicus Sampler?

45 minutes of music for piano & clarinet
Includes classical gems, a few light jazz arrangements, broadway tunes and freestyle improvisations – it’s all beautiful.

Why “A Classical Jukebox”?

We have an extensive repertoire – you may choose up to three of your favourites pieces when you call for an Amicus Sampler. Contact us or visit our website to see the repertoire list.

How many people?

2 to 20+ people.

What if I don’t have a good piano?

We have encountered just about every type of piano from horrific to miraculous condition and quality. Wherever your piano falls in that spectrum, whether it be an acoustic piano or an electric piano, we’ll play it. Our only request is that it IS a piano rather than an organ or synthesizer.

What if I don’t have a piano?

Craig has a beautiful Yamaha Clavinova Piano that we can bring to your home if you don’t have a piano.

What is the cost?

The Amicus Music Duo is both trusting and grateful. That is because the Amicus Sampler is a “by donation” event. We trust you and your guests to be honest about the value of the experience for yourselves and to donate what it is worth to you and/or what you can afford to donate. We are grateful for whatever that is.
We do request that you tell your guests know that an Amicus Sampler is “by donation” when you invite them so that they will be able to express their gratitude. Also let them know that our music CDs will be available. The CDs are $15 each or 3 for $40. Amicus currently accepts cash and cheques.
If you don’t have a piano, it will only cost $100 to rent Craig’s. Bringing the Clavinova piano adds about 90 minutes to our set up and take down time. We need to confirm that there is access for moving the piano.

How much notice?

As little as 60 minutes. If we’re available and we can get to you within an hour, we’re ready to play. That said, we are both up to a lot. Please call us today so you will have the most opportunities to host your Amicus Sampler on a day that works for you and your guests.
Sorry, Christmas Eve of 2010 is already booked.

How can I contact you?

Craig Addy – tel: 604-662-3053 • email: [email protected]
Howard Meadows – tel: 604-715-5136 • email: [email protected]
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