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Larissa & Reilly Under the Piano

This is an excerpt from a recent Under the Piano session with Larissa and Reilly.

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  • Larissa October 12, 2012, 2:30 pm

    Under the Piano was like nothing I’ve experienced before. At a recent fundraiser for the Vancouver Chamber Choir, my attention was caught by a certificate for Under the Piano, a sound spa for body, mind and soul. I was so intrigued by the concept that Reilly and I purchased the certificate. The experience is undeniably unique and I was surprised by how special it was. As Reilly and I lay under the grand piano together and Craig spontaneously composed beautiful piano music just for us I felt undeniably relaxed. Thank you Craig for providing such an amazing and unforgettable experience. I look forward to listening to the recording of our session for years to come.

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