Invisible Conversations… I revealed one recently. This is one advantage of working with a great coach. Mine is Catherine Wood (coachcatherine.ca). There has been an invisible conversation operating in the background since I started my Under the Piano practice some years ago. I call it invisible because it’s an undistinguished internal conversation that has been impacting my actions, feelings and thoughts. While I’ve been present to those thoughts and feelings, I have not been aware of the conversation that generates them. The result is frustration, confusion and sometimes even bewilderment at my unwillingness or resistance to take actions that will forward my business.
During the holiday season, we created actions to take in order to generate more gift certificate sales and bookings. I did take new actions and I did increase my sales. Amongst the flurry of activity, we encountered a missed opportunity to book a session for New Year’s Day. The opportunity was right there and I did not take it. Out of that, Catherine made the suggestion that I should start requiring clients to pay in full in advance rather than on the day of the booking. I could almost not hear it. What was going on here? Sure enough, the issue came up again in the New Year and Catherine reminded me that we had actually agreed that I would start requiring full payment in advance. I got all evasive, slippery and confused. I did not want to do that! The cost to me in the past has been last minute cancellations. There have not been a lot of them, but enough to hurt.
Then last week, we had this amazing conversation in which I distinguished what was behind my resistance. I have been modelling my payment system on those used by alternative healthcare practitioners such as Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists and Chiropractors – you book the appointment, you go for the appointment, and then you pay at the end as you leave. It’s important to note that while I have been following that model I had not identified for myself that I was following that model. I was just doing it that way because that was what I was supposed to do based on my own experience in the past. I just fell into to it without thinking. For that reason, I could not consider that there could be another model. With Catherine’s brilliant guidance I was able to speak out loud what I had been doing and then there was this amazing space in which I could create a new model.
The new model is so much more inspiring for me and so much more in alignment with my own personal passion and joy. Here’s the new model:
A spot Under the Piano is like reserving your own personal box at a concert or like purchasing premium front row centre seats in the dress circle. When you want those seats for a magical musical experience you don’t wait until the day of the concert and get in line with the expectation of getting the best seats in the house. No. As soon as you hear the tickets are on sale, you call the box office and purchase the seats in advance. Now those seats are yours. They are not refundable. It’s up to you to be there on the date and on time. Otherwise, it’s your loss. Of course you will be there because this is something you want enough to purchase in advance.
Under the Piano dances in a spectrum traveling from a pure creative musical experience to a nourishing physical and/or emotional health care experience. I like that. It inspires me more than anything when a client or couple dealing with grief or pain comes and I can make a difference for them. However, my primary job is to be a gifted , intuitive and creative musician. That provides the access for them to get what they need. I’m a musician and artist first, not a doctor or therapist. Music is therapeutic and powerful. I have discovered a way to amplify those properties of music by creating Under the Piano. The way I provide that is to be the best musician and creative artist I can be and to give that to my clients. The client brings what they need and I provide a pathway for the client to get that.
If you feel frustrated or thwarted in some aspect of your life or business, there is almost certainly something you are saying that you have not distinguished for yourself. Get into conversation – ideally with a certified coach or professional. If not that, with people you trust and respect who have some authority in the area that is impacting you. A miracle can happen in as little as ten minutes when you discover what you are saying. Next invisible conversation! Here I come!
Upcoming Musical Opportunities
Under the Piano
“Valentine’s Day Under the Piano” – February 14, 2014
If your love is a music lover, this will be the best, most magical, and most unique Valentine’s Gift and surprise you could give them. Limited seats available.
Quiet Hearts – Musical Respites and Journeys
Every Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:45pm at St. Andrew’s-Wesley United Church.
A gorgeous sonic and visual experience.
Taste of Transformation
January 28th from 7 pm until 10 pm
Receive a Taste of Transformation with 5 practitioners while enjoying vibrant organic vegan food, lovingly prepared by Chef Sono Sugimoto.
Akasha Bloom Jin Shin Do BodyMind Acupressure and Under the Piano
Alicia Kent of Akasha Bloom Jin Shin Do BodyMind Acupressure and Under the Piano are collaborating to provide a wonderful workshop for couples. I’ll be providing soothing and relaxing improvised music while Alicia teaches couples how to us acupressure to develop deeper intimacy, deepen bonds of trust and compassion, intensify physical pleasure and more. Details to be confirmed, but it will likely be held at the beautiful Silk Purse Gallery in West Vancouver. This lovely intimate space houses a gorgeous 9 ft convert grand. Couples will also have an opportunity to lie Under the Piano during the workshop.
Learn more about Alicia at www.akashabloom.com
Creative Commons photo by Jukka Palmu
Smart lady that coach of yours ! Great advice sounds like what I learned years ago when I did wedding photography when I started to ask for a sizeable deposit upfront.
It made great impact on the bottom line . People will start to treat you as a business man worthy of what you charge. Great to see this shift, stick to the plan . What you do is amazing and unique. You will see great things in 2014!