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The Paradox of Sound – It’s a Silent Killer!

The Paradox of Sound – It’s a Silent Killer
5 Sound things you can do to improve well being, productivity and profit.

Photo by Jamie Mellor

Photo by Jamie Mellor

Did you know you are largely unconscious to the negative impacts sound is having on you in your everyday life. If you live in an Urban environment you can bet it is.

Studies reveal that the well being of 25 to 50% of the EU population is significantly and negatively impacted by noise.

The estimated anual cost of noise in the EU is up to 54 billion dollars.

Tomorrow, I am giving a 1 hour presentation on the Paradox of Sound at the Vancouver Business Network. You’ll get the bad and the good and learn the things you can do to use sound to improve your well being, productivity and profitability (if you’re a business owner). It’s at the VSO’s wonderful Pyatt Hall, which means I have a gorgeous concert grand piano at my disposal. The presentation will incude a relaxing and de-stressing piano performance as well.

Come on out if you are available. Please share this with your music loving friends or business owners who want to learn some of the invisible money losing practices they might be unaware of in their work spaces.

Register here:

Many thanks for this opportunity Roger Killen

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Neil Doyle December 11, 2013, 5:04 pm

    I had a great time last night and you could feel your excitement of playing the Steinway in the music that you played. Thank you for a very informative night.

    • Craig December 22, 2013, 6:02 pm

      Thanks Neil. It was a pleasure presenting for you and , of course, playing the piano too.

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